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Kind Words

"She was very encouraging during the whole process and made me feel completely and utterly relaxed! "

“My family lives all the way in Maine and I knew that they would not be able to make it here for the birth of my son. I wanted to have someone in addition to my husband with me while in labor for support and Sierra was a perfect fit! She was very encouraging during the whole process and made me feel completely and utterly relaxed! Granted, I’m probably her oldest client ever (35 to be exact), but age didn’t come into play at all! She’s a very mature young lady with a great head on her shoulders! I would recommend her to everyone and anyone regardless of age! Thanks again for being part of my birthing experience! :)” - Louise K., Satisfied Mom

"The doula's gentle guidance greatly enhanced the success of my daughter’s decision to have an entirely natural childbirth."

“Having Sierra with our family as we welcomed our granddaughter into the world on Christmas Day was wonderful. The doula's gentle guidance greatly enhanced the success of my daughter’s decision to have an entirely natural childbirth. Breastfeeding ensued with confidence and also was successful. Both baby and mother are doing well and we owe some of this fact to having made the choice of including Sierra in the experience. Thank you Sierra, may you have many years of sharing your special gift with others. A thankful Grandmother.” - Norma, Satisfied Grandmother

"I was able to have both my husband and mother at the delivery of my son, but having Sierra there helped us all feel more comfortable."

“I was very nervous before giving birth to my first child. My husband is in the military, and we weren’t sure if they would let him come to the birth. His military service also separates us from family. When I found out about the possibility of the doula, it made me feel a lot better. I am so happy that I found Sierra. She was amazing. It was great to have someone that was 100% supportive of all my decisions. I was able to have both my husband and mother at the delivery of my son, but having Sierra there helped us all feel more comfortable. Worth every penny! I wish I could hire her for my next delivery.” - Becca, Satisfied Mom

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My Approach
"She had a lot to offer but the reason we went with her is she has a real passion for creating a positive birth experience for Mom, Dad and baby."

“I discovered Sierra’s doula service through the St. Robert, Missouri La Leche League about 3 weeks before my due date. Although it was cutting it close, my husband and I decided to use her services after meeting her at a coffee shop to see if she would make a good member of our “birth team”. She had a lot to offer but the reason we went with her is she has a real passion for creating a positive birth experience for Mom, Dad and baby. She promised to remind me of why I wanted a natural child birth through labor. She helped me create a birth plan and met my Mom ahead of time so we would all be on the same page. I went into labor at 1 a.m. Christmas morning! I used the birthing ball Sierra lent me; I found that leaning on it while bent over and kneeling provided relief from contractions. My contractions were 5 minutes apart by 6 a.m. so my husband, brother-in-law, Mom and I headed to the hospital. I called Sierra at about 9 a.m. and she arrived shortly after. Sierra brought lavender scented cotton balls and immediately placed them around the room; This was something I wanted and she told me she would bring them during our second meeting. The nurses made me wear a baby heart beat monitor and take an IV with antibiotics, so unfortunately, I couldn’t move around very much. Sierra helped me stand, squat and lay back down throughout my labor. She rubbed my back and reminded me to breathe. It is so helpful for someone to breathe with you and be your focal point during natural child birth. The doctor did perform an episiotomy, which I was totally against, but consented since the baby released meconium and the only other alternative was a C-Section. Honestly, out of my whole labor process, the episiotomy hurt the worse. Danielle was born a few minutes after the episiotomy! (9:19 p.m. Christmas night) I got what I wanted~ a natural child birth and a healthy baby! Thanks for all your support and assistance, Sierra” - Lauren M., Loved my birth experience! 

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